Can AI Heal US?

Webinar on Career Pivot into AI Ethics

AI Ethics & Responsible AI Webinar

Panel discussion at the Inaugural AI Summit by DataEthics4All

Interview with Manpreet Budhraja, a rising community educator in AI literacy by Susanna Raj

Panel Discussion about Bias in AI

Opening of the first annual Global South in AI @ NeurIPS 2022 in New Orleans

Interview with Aishwarya Joshi by Susanna Raj

Women in AI Panel on Autonomous Vehicles with Susanna Raj

AI4Nomads Pitch Video

Inclusive AI ( Intro Webinar)

Panel discussion at the AI Summit 2021 by AI Impact Alliance

Interview with Anna Chubinidze, currently CEO and Founder of Adalan AI by Susanna Raj

Sharing of resources in the Inclusive AI space